“I LOVE MY BUM” ~ Marciel Hopkins

(Former Miss SA finalist)

 Yes! And that’s the way it should be!

Mommy Wellness couldn’t agree more with this statement made by former Miss SA Finalist Marciel Hopkins, in a recent Cosmopolitan article.

Marciel singled out her derrière as being her favourite body part, adding that “it gives a unique shape to my body and it makes me feel confident and sexy”.

Just like Mommy Wellness, Marciel is all about being body positive and it stands to good reason that she has a huge following on Instagram, spreading her ‘body positive’ message, whilst also working as a Life Coach.

Besides how we love her hashtag #healthnotsize, we love her confident attitude, and that is precisely why we have invited her to be the guest speaker at our Mommy Wellness High Tea in September.

Importantly, Marciel will also be discussing the effects that the various media platforms have on our children, particularly amongst teenagers and adolescents.

Young girls often experience a decline in self-esteem when entering adolescence, which often is associated with comparisons of media models and icons.  This preconceived idea is often created by media hype and gauged by society on so-called ‘acceptable’ levels of thinness. This can be a contributing factor of depression and the onset of eating disorders.

As informative and positive that media can be, it does not only single out the girls.  Boys are often also affected by feeling that they do not measure up to the idea of perfection as dictated by media.  In search of the ‘perfect’ body, they strive for six-packs, acne-free faces and toned arms, etc. often leading to excessive exercise, the use of steroids or strenuous, harmful dieting.

(Please follow our Website www.mommywellness.co.za  and Facebook page for more details regarding booking for this occasion, which as a Mom, you cannot afford to miss)!  A Mom and Daughter outing maybe a nice idea?

 Inner Beauty
Although Mommy Wellness is not in the business of singling out ‘bums’ as being a priority when looking in the mirror, we certainly are in the business of enhancing both inner and outer beauty!

Sadly, society often seems to dictate as to what defines beautiful people and somehow, many fall for the myth of needing to conform to an acceptable body shape, weight, height and the like.

It truly is not necessary to be brain-washed into this so-called ‘acceptable’ opinion of society, which in most cases, sets unrealistic benchmarks as to what looks good and what doesn’t.   No one need ever conform to societal ‘norm’ expectations.

True inner beauty in a woman is reflected by her good qualities.  Whether it is confidence, wisdom, compassion or just standing by her values.  Remember, a lovely smile, a glowing skin or shiny eyes are not available over the counter. (Although as you will see a little further on, Mommy Wellness is also able to assist with some fabulous services and products too).

A good start is identifying and eradicating anything negative in your personal space.  Remove the critics and judges and inner beauty will shine through, allowing you to feel good about yourself and accepting that you are beautiful and more importantly, unique.

Mommy Wellness is all about the well-being of families. From preggie Moms-To-Be, Dads, Tweens, Tots, Toddlers and Babies – All unique in their own way, all requiring different nurturing.

Outter Beauty
Believing and acknowledging that ‘inner’ health and beauty is the first priority and the real foundation of a happy you, which once established, a new confidence takes over and ‘outer’ beauty suddenly becomes an added and an attractive factor. The two seem to somehow go hand in hand.

Our awesome services are also complemented with a large choice of reputable cosmetic brands and other products in-store, all of which have been selected with the utmost care to enhance and meet your needs and those of your precious family.

Whether you prefer your treatments in the comfort of your own home, or even unexpectedly finding yourself in hospital due to early labour, we will come to you. We offer Massages, Facials, Manis, Pedis, Eyelash Extensions and will even arrange a hairdresser for you.

And just in case you are wondering, we haven’t forgotten the rest of your family whilst you might be missing in action. Dads, Teens and Tweens are spoiled for choice when visiting us, with an array of pamper packages making them feel really special.

Once happily at home again with your new addition, we also offer amazing baby and toddler packages too.   For more information, have a look at our Menu on www.mommywellnes.co.za